1. Get the taxonomy session for the site collection
$ts = Get-SPTaxonomySession -Site http://myweb
2. Get the term store
$tstore = $ts.TermStores[0]
3. Get the term group that contains the termset for the taxonomy field you're updating.
# To list the term group names: $tstore.Groups | FT -AutoSize Name
$tgroup = $tstore.Groups["MyTermGroupName"]
4. Get the termset for the taxonomy field you're updating.
# To list the termsets: $tgroup.TermSets | FT -AutoSize Name
$tset = $tgroup.TermSets["MyTermSetName"]
5. Get the term you want to use to update the list items using the terms ID (or name).
# To list all the terms in the termset: $tset.Terms | FT -AutoSize Name,ID
# Get the term using the term name: $term = $tset.Terms["MyTermName"]
$term = $tset.Terms[[System.Guid]("f5a95261-b9a2-428b-90ce-8f85111dfd55")]
6. Get the SPWeb and List containing the list you want to update
$w = Get-SPWeb http://myweb/subsite $l = $w.Lists["My List"]
7. Get the first list item, and use it to get a reference to the taxonomy field
$firstItem = $l.Items[0] $tf = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField]$firstItem.Fields["MyTaxonomyColumnName"]
8. Loop through the collection of list items and update the value
foreach($i in $l.Items){if($i.Title -like "*Presentation*"){$tf.SetFieldValue($i, $term);$i.Update();Write-host "Updated"$i.Title;}}
You could (and should) write this a little more efficiently, especially if the list is large, by using a query to get your collection of items to loop through (more efficient than looping through the entire list);
$ic = $l | ?{$_.Title -like "*Presentation*"} foreach($i in $ic){$tf.SetFieldValue($i, $term);$i.Update();Write-host "Updated"$i.Title;}
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