Friday, 4 December 2015

(Updated) Using the Microsoft Client-side People Picker as an AngularJS Directive

I wrote about wrapping the Microsoft Client Side People Picker into an AngularJS Directive a few months back (eight months to be precise).

The original post is here: Using the Microsoft Client-side People Picker as an AngularJS Directive

I've made a few improvements to it recently, which I want to highlight in this post. The source code's been updated on GitHub, and can be downloaded here: AngularJS-Directive-for-SharePoint-People-Picker.

Summary of Improvements

  • Wrapped a parent DIV around the peoplepicker 
  • Works with SharePoint groups
  • Listens to model changes and updates the control appropriately
  • Re-factored code (better structure)
  • Raises events on the root scope when starting and finishing resolving users

Designed for REST

The other thing I want to draw attention to, is that this directive is built with REST in mind. It's designed to work with models received from a REST query, and it formats the model (when new users are added) in a format that can be used to submit a REST.

Before we get started, let's look at what SharePoint sends us when we query a list that has people fields, using REST.

I've used the following REST query. The query requests the people fields, and expands the Id, Name and Title properties.'peoplePickerTestList')/items(1)?$select=multiUserColumnId,singleUserColumnId,multiUserColumn/Name,singleUserColumn/Name,multiUserColumn/Title,singleUserColumn/Title,multiUserColumn/Id,singleUserColumn/Id&$expand=multiUserColumn,singleUserColumn

The following screen shot is from Fiddler, and shows the response from SharePoint (Office 365).

There are a few things worth noting here. The first is the field names that are appended with "Id".

For example, the two people fields, multiUserColumn and singleUserColumn, both have corresponding fields multiUserColumnId and singleUserColumnId. These corresponding fields don't actually exist on the list, but are returned by REST for lookup fields.

The fields appended with "Id" only every contain the Id of the lookup item. When you update a SharePoint list using REST, it's easiest to update the list using these fields, passing in just the look Id(s).

The next thing to notice is the difference in the object returned for a single user field verse a multi-user field.

The single user field contains direct properties for the user values. In the example above, these values include Name, Id, and Title.

The multi user field is slightly different. It returns an object with a single property, "results". "results" is an array of user objects. Each user object in the array has the expanded fields we specified in the REST request; Name, Id and Title.

The people picker directive is designed to work with these two different models. It will read and update a model using this format.

Using the People Picker Directive

Added a reference to the people picker directive

<!-- Load third party scripts required by the people picker -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/SP.UI.Controls.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/clienttemplates.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/clientforms.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/clientpeoplepicker.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/autofill.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/sp.RequestExecutor.js"></script>
<!-- AngularJS-->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/angular.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/angular-sanitize.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/angular-resource.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/angular-route.min.js"></script>
<!-- All of this scripts are used to create the app. -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/app.js"></script>
<!-- ****** The following script contains the people picker directive. ****** -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/config/config.peoplepicker.js"></script>
<!-- ****** The following script contains the controller. ****** -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/controllers/controllers.js"></script>

Add the people picker directive to the app

(function () {
    'use strict';        
    var app = angular.module('app', [

Add one or more people pickers to the HTML (ensure you use a different id for each picker)

<div data-ng-disabled="false" ui-people ng-model="" pp-is-multiuser="{{false}}" pp-width="220px" pp-account-type="User,DL,SecGroup,SPGroup" id="peoplePickerDivAT"></div>

Conditionally, add some code to the controller to pre-populate the people picker (this would normally be a REST query to SharePoint to get some list data).

//App Controller
(function () {
 'use strict';
 var controllerId = 'appCtrlr';
 angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, ['$scope', '$timeout', appCtrlr]);

 function appCtrlr($scope, $timeout) {
  var vm = this;
  vm.webUrl = null; = {
  vm.getPresence = getPresence;
  var service = function () {  
   this.webAbsoluteUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl;
   this.webRelativeUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl;
   this.currentUserId = _spPageContextInfo.userId;
   this.webAppUrl = document.location.origin || document.location.href.substring(0, document.location.href.indexOf(document.location.pathname));  

  function init() {
   //Normally you would get this information from a REST call to Office 365 / SharePoint
   //Update the weburl property
   //This is to demo passing in a Web URL to the people picker via the pp-web-url attribute.
    var s = new service;
    vm.webUrl = s.webAppUrl;
    if (!$scope.$root.$$phase) {
  function getData(){
   $timeout(function(){ = {
     //You'll need to add a valid claims based identity, and the SPUSER ID here
     Title:'Matthew Yarlett'
    //Add a user to the mulitple-user model = {results:[]};{
     //You'll need to add a valid claims based identity, and the SPUSER ID here
     Title:'Matthew Yarlett'});
    //Add a SharePoint group to the mulitple-user model{
    //You'll need to add a valid claims based identity, and the SPUSER ID here
     Name:'App Center Owners',
     Title:'App Center Owners'});
    if (!$scope.$root.$$phase) {
  function getPresence(userId, userTitle) {
   if (userId && userTitle) {
    return '<span class="ms-noWrap"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceLink"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceWrapper ms-imnImg ms-spimn-imgSize-10x10"><img class="ms-spimn-img ms-spimn-presence-disconnected-10x10x32" src="'+service.webAbsoluteUrl+'/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23"  alt="" /></span></span><span class="ms-noWrap ms-imnSpan"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceLink"><img class="ms-hide" src="'+service.webAbsoluteUrl+'/_layouts/15/images/blank.gif?rev=23"  alt="" /></span><a class="ms-subtleLink" onclick="GoToLinkOrDialogNewWindow(this);return false;" href="'+service.webAbsoluteUrl+'/_layouts/15/userdisp.aspx?ID=' + userId + '">' + userTitle + '</a></span></span>';
   return '<span></span>';

Possible attributes and they're values

Note: The data-pp-ready-to-load attribute has been removed from this version (the directive listens to model changes and updates the people picker accordingly).

AttributePossible valuesDefault valueRequired?
data-ng-modelFor single-user fields, an object:

model = { 'Name': object.Name, 'Title': object.Title, 'Id': object.Id }

For multi-user fields, the model needs the "results" object (which is an array) of people object.

model.results = [{ 'Name': object.Name, 'Title': object.Title, 'Id': object.Id }]

Where, name is a claims based user principal, Title is the display name of the principal, and Id is the lookup Id of the person or group
nullYes, but can be null
data-pp-is-multiusertrue | falsefalseNo
data-pp-widthAny numerical value, followed by 'px'220pxNo
data-pp-account-typeAny combination of the following values, separated by a comma;

Screen shot

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Update the Choices of an Office 365 or SharePoint Choice Field using PowerShell and CSOM

Today I needed to update some SharePoint Choice fields with new values using PowerShell and CSOM. To my surprise, I didn't find much on the web about doing this, hence this post!

The code is pretty rudimentary, but hopefully you get the picture! The example is for an Office 365 site, but it works the same with SharePoint on premises, except that you need to pass in a different credential object (see the commented code).

#Add the Client dll's
Add-Type -Path 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll' -EA 0
Add-Type -Path 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll' -EA 0

#Set some variables
$url = ""
$listTitle = "ListWithSomeFields"

#Create the credentials
$username = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your password" 
$securePassword  = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your password" -AsSecureString
#Create the credential for Office 365
$O365Credential = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($username, $securePassword)
#If you're doing this on SharePoint on premises, then you need to create the credential like this:
$onPremCredential = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your SharePoint on-premises credentials"

$ctx = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($url)
$ctx.Credentials = $O365Credential;
$ctx.RequestTimeout = "500000"; 

#Load the site and web that contains the field
$Site = $ctx.Site
$rootWeb = $Site.RootWeb

#Get the list that the field exists on
$list = $rootWeb.Lists.GetByTitle($listTitle);

#Get the fields collection from the list (or from the web)
$FieldCollection = $list.Fields

#Get a reference to the field
$field = $FieldCollection.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("MySingleChoiceField");

#Define your choices
$choices = @("Fred","Barney","Wilma");
#"CAST" the field to a Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldMultiChoice
#This works the same whether the field you're updating is a single or multi choice field
$choiceField = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldMultiChoice($ctx, $field.Path)
#Load the Multichoicefield
$choiceField.Choices = $choices            

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Remove Custom Actions from the List Item Context Menu in SharePoint

Ehy! (that's "hey", spelt wrong).

Ever had a solution that (erroneously) creates additional custom actions on the list item context menu?

I had this problem this week. A Nintex Workflow that I'm importing (via PowerShell) into a site during a provisioning process does just this. Apparently this happens when you have a workflow with the "Enable workflow to start from the item menu" setting enabled, and then you export that workflow and import it into another site.

The issue becomes apparently after you re-import the workflow more than once. Each time the workflow is re-imported (e.g. in my case when a provisioning process updates a site), the a new version of the custom action is added to the lists context menu, but the old one is not removed.

And this is what you end up with...

That doesn't look very good, and what's worse, only one of those custom actions (menu items) works (the most recently added one).

To sort this out, you can use PowerShell or SharePoint Designer to remove the old custom actions. Since I'm working on a provisioning processing, I used PowerShell to remove the context menu items.

I wrote the PowerShell as a function I could call from another script in my provisioning process. The PowerShell uses the client object model (CSOM), so that it doesn't need to be run on the SharePoint server.

Here it is!

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext] $ClientContext,  
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)][String]$listName, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)][String]$actionName, 
#Load the web and list 
$web = $ClientContext.Web
$lists = $web.Lists
$list = $lists.GetByTitle($listName)
if($list -eq $null){
    Write-host "Couldn't find the list." -F Red
#Load the custom actions on the list
$allCustomActions = $list.UserCustomActions       
#Get a collection of the custom actions that are on the context menu (ECB), 
#and match the name of the custom action passed to the function
$customActions = $allCustomActions | ?{$_.Title -eq $actionName -and $_.Location -eq "EditControlBlock"}
$itemCount = $customActions.Count
$removeFromIndex  = $itemCount - 1
$baseIndex = 0  
#If the leaveFirstInstance parameter has been set, then set the base index to one
#This ensures we leave the first item (custom action) in the collection  
    $baseIndex = 1
Write-Host "Found $itemCount custom actions ($actionName) to process in list $listName"
if($removeFromIndex -ge $baseIndex){
    $countOfItemsRemoved = 0
    $itemsToRemove = @()
    #Loop through all the custom actions in the collection
    #and build an array of custom action id's (GUID's) to delete
    $customActions | %{
        if($([Array]::IndexOf($customActions, $_)) -le $removeFromIndex){
            #Write-host "Adding item $($_.Id) to the array of items to remove"
            $itemsToRemove += $_.Id
        #Write-Host "$($_.Id) with Index: $([Array]::IndexOf($l.UserCustomActions, $_))"
    #For each item in the list of GUID's, get the custom action from the list 
    #(using the GUID) and then call the DeleteObject() method.
    $itemsToRemove | %{
        #Because we're modifying the collection of custom ations in each loop, 
        #we need to reload the list each time (so that the collection of 
        #user actions is unmodified.
        $lists = $web.Lists
        #After (re)loading the list/collection, get the custom action
        #and call the DeleteObject() method
    Write-host "Of the $($itemsToRemove.Count) items flagged to process, and removed $countOfItemsRemoved of those items."

And you can call it from another script like this (in this example, a script located in the same directory):

#The URL to the site where the list exists
$url = ""
#Create the client context
$ClientContext = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($Url)
$cc = new-object System.Net.CredentialCache
$uri = New-Object  System.Uri $url 
$cc.Add($uri, "NTLM",[System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials)
$ClientContext.Credentials = $cc
$ClientContext.AuthenticationMode = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientAuthenticationMode]::Default
$ClientContext.RequestTimeout = "500000"
#Call the function to remove the custom action
.\Remove-CustomActionsFromECB.ps1 -ClientContext $ClientSiteContext -ListName "Service Requests" -ActionName "Submit Service Request to iClient" -LeaveFirstInstance:$false

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Using the Client-side Taxonomy Picker Control in an AngularJS directive on Office365

In my last post I wrote about using the Microsoft client-side people picker within an AngularJS directive.

In this post I want to take a look at using the client-side taxonomy picker wrapped up as an AngularJS directive, in an app running on an Officer 365 site. In a subsequent post I'll expand on the how the code works, but this post is just intended to give a quick overview of it.

You can download the code from Github here:

The Taxonomy Picker control comes from the Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practises site.

The files for this app are uploaded to a folder on the root of the site. The apps parent file, app.html, is added to a page via Content Editor Webpart.

The app looks like this:

To use the directive, follow these basic steps.

1. Add the CSS and script references to your apps html page.

The Taxonomy Picker control comes with it's own CSS, so you need to include this.

<link href="../angularjs-taxonomy/Styles/taxonomypickercontrol.css" rel="stylesheet" />

You need to add a reference to the JS file the directive is declared in, as well as all of the Microsoft Scripts that the SharePoint Taxonomy Picker requires, as well as the scripts the app requires.

<!-- Load the constant variables -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/config/config.constants.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/models/models.js"></script>
<!-- Load third party scripts -->
<!-- AngularJS, Sanitize, resource -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/scripts/angular.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/scripts/angular-sanitize.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/scripts/angular-resource.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/scripts/angular-route.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/scripts/ui-bootstrap.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/scripts/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/scripts/taxonomypickercontrol.js"></script>
<!-- All of this scripts are used to create the app. -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/app.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/config/config.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/config/config.taxonomy.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/common/common.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/common/logging.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-taxonomy/controllers/controllers.js"></script>

2. Add the directive as a dependency to your app.

(function () {
    'use strict';        
    var app = angular.module('app', [
      //inject other Angular Modules 
      //add the tax picker directive
      //inject App modules

3. Add the directive to the page (you can add multiple instances of it).

When add the directive, it has several attributes that can be set to control the behaviour of the taxonomy picker.

Most aren't mandatory, but you must add the data model (via ng-Model), and you must add the pp-ready-to-load attribute (which tells the directive the data model has updated, and is ready to be used).

Possible attributes and they're values
AttributePossible valuesDefault valueRequired?
data-ng-modelAn array, containing a list of terms, in the following format:

var termsArray = [{ 'Name': object.TermLabel, 'Id': object.TermGuid}]
nullYes (you must supply a model to the data-n-model attribute, but it contain a null value)
data-pp-ready-to-loadtrue | falsefalseYes (the taxonomy picker will not render until this value is set to true)
data-pp-is-multi-valuedtrue | falsefalseNo
data-pp-widthAny numerical value, followed by 'px'220pxNo
data-pp-termsetidThe GUID of the termset.
data-pp-is-hashtagstrue | falsefalseNo
data-pp-is-keywordstrue | falsefalseNo

An example of adding a the taxonomy picker that references a termset;

<div ui-Taxonomy ng-model="vm.terms" pp-ready-to-load="{{vm.loadTaxonomyPickers}}" pp-termsetid="a5bd4ff2-2823-4ea2-8dd6-2d02c845493b" pp-is-multi-valued="{{true}}" id="taxPickerGeography" ></div>

An example of adding a the taxonomy picker that references the hashtags termset;

<div ui-Taxonomy ng-model="vm.hashtags" pp-ready-to-load="{{vm.loadTaxonomyPickers}}" pp-is-hashtags="{{true}}" pp-is-multi-valued="{{false}}" id="taxPickerHashtags" ></div>

An example of adding a the taxonomy picker that references the keywords termset;

<div ui-Taxonomy ng-model="vm.keywords" pp-ready-to-load="{{vm.loadTaxonomyPickers}}" pp-is-keywords="{{true}}" pp-is-multi-valued="{{true}}" id="taxPickerKeywords" ></div>

4. Load the data for the model.

Before initialising the directive (via changing the value of the property used in the data-pp-ready-to-load attribute to true), ensure you up the data model used for the taxonomy picker with the current data (if any).

For example, you might perform a REST call to get the current values in a list item. You would then create the model for the taxonomy picker when data from the REST call is returned.

After updating the data in the taxonomy pickers model, you would then change the value of the property used in the data-pp-ready-to-load attribute to true.

The code below shows an example of doing this.

//App Controller
(function () {
   'use strict';
   var controllerId = 'appCtrlr';
   angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, ['$scope', appCtrlr]);

   function appCtrlr($scope) {
      var vm = this; = [];    
      vm.context = null;
      vm.terms = [];
      //The data model for the taxonomy picker requires an array of values. Each value 
      //represents a term, and has the Id and Name properties. The Id property takes the 
      //terms TermGuid and the Name property correlates to the terms Label property.       
      vm.terms = [{Id:"dc146209-c1b2-697e-c0e2-9259ba19e750",Name:"Failed Inspection"}];
      vm.keywords = [];
      vm.hashtags = [];
      vm.loadTaxonomyPickers = true;
      function init() {   
         //init code.
         //e.g. get data via REST and set the data model.                   

As a side note, when you perform a REST call to Office365 or SharePoint, for a taxonomy
field, the data comes back as an object that has the TermGuid and Label properties, as seen in the following screen capture from Fiddler:

Internally, the Microsoft Client-side Taxonomy control requires the field properties as Id and Name,
which is why we format the input object with those properties above.

However, for the sake of usability, you can also pass in the raw value from a REST call. In this case, the init function might look like this (no formatting of the data takes place):

function init() {   
   getData().then(function(data){ = data;
      vm.loadTaxonomyPickers = true;
      if (!$scope.$root.$$phase) {

And the HTML for the control, might look like this (note the object that is passed in as the model).

<div ui-Taxonomy ng-model="" pp-ready-to-load="{{vm.loadTaxonomyPickers}}" pp-termsetid="a5bd4ff2-2823-4ea2-8dd6-2d02c845493b" pp-is-multi-valued="{{true}}" id="taxPickerTags" ></div>

That's it - as far as initialising and using the control goes.

To use the value(s) of a the taxonomy picker directive while the page is open, simple reference the taxonomy picker model, like you would any other property within a controllers data model.

<span data-ng-repeat="r in vm.terms track by $index">
    {{r.Name}} <span style="color:BURLYWOOD;">(Path: {{r.PathOfTerm}})</span><span data-ng-if="!$last">,&nbsp;</span>

Persisting the value(s) of the a taxonomy picker control is just as easy. You use the data in the taxonomy pickers model to write back to the server.

In the example below, I have a model used in a REST call for updating a list item that has a taxonomy field. Data from the model (used by taxonomy picker directive) is formatted for the REST call. Each term in the array of terms is transformed into a term string, that can be passed to the server via the REST call.

sr.models.shipInfoModel = function (id) {
   this.Id = id ? id : -1;
   //"pa28754972f84ff7a6bf3e4762f23e23" is the hidden text field (automatically) created for the taxonomy field
   //This is the field that you need to use to update the taxonomy field via REST.
   //You need to format selected terms as GUID|Label pairs
   this.__metadata = {
      type: 'SP.Data.SrShipRegisterListItem'

function populateShipInfoModel(srcModel, tagsTerms) {
   var dstModel = new sr.models.shipInfoModel(srcModel.Id);   
   //Update the taxonomy field values 
   if(srcModel.Tags && srcModel.Tags.results){
      if(srcModel.Tags.results.length == 0){
         dstModel.pa28754972f84ff7a6bf3e4762f23e23 = '';
         for(var i = 0; i < srcModel.Tags.results.length; i++)
            var t = srcModel.Tags.results[i];
            dstModel.pa28754972f84ff7a6bf3e4762f23e23 = dstModel.pa28754972f84ff7a6bf3e4762f23e23 + ';' + t.Name + '|' + t.Id;   
   dstModel.__metadata.etag = srcModel.__metadata.etag; =;
   dstModel.__metadata.uri = srcModel.__metadata.uri;
   return dstModel;

And that's it!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Using the Microsoft Client-side People Picker as an AngularJS Directive

[UPDATED]: I've written an updated post for this that include some feature enhancements and fixes. You can read that post here: (Updated) Using the Microsoft Client-side People Picker as an AngularJS Directive

Last year I wrote about using the Microsoft Client Side People Picker with an AngularJS app (here).

In this post, I'm building on that idea, and I'm going to demonstrate how to use the People Picker within an AngularJS Directive. Using a directive simplifies the code and makes it much more re-usable!

I'm going to break the post up into parts. This part will outline how to use the directive. The next post will cover a bit more about how the directive was created and how it works.

The code example is up on GitHub, here: AngularJS-Directive-for-SharePoint-People-Picker

Let's get into it!

1. Add the script references to your apps html page.

You need to add a reference to the JS file the directive is declared in, as well as all of the Microsoft Scripts that the SharePoint People Picker requires

<!-- Load the constant variables -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/config/config.constants.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/models/models.js"></script>
<!-- Load third party scripts required by the people picker -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/SP.UI.Controls.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/clienttemplates.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/clientforms.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/clientpeoplepicker.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/autofill.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="/_layouts/15/sp.RequestExecutor.js"></script>
<!-- AngularJS, Sanitize, resource -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/angular.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/angular-sanitize.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/angular-resource.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/angular-route.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/ui-bootstrap.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/scripts/xml2json.min.js"></script>
<!-- All of this scripts are used to create the app. -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/app.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/config/config.js"></script>
<!-- ****** The following script contains the people picker directive. ****** -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/config/config.peoplepicker.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/common/common.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/common/logging.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/services/dataservices.js"></script>
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../angularjs-peoplepicker/controllers/controllers.js"></script>

2. Add the directive as a dependency to your app.

(function () {
    'use strict';        
    var app = angular.module('app', [
    //inject other Angular Modules
    //inject the People Picker directive
    //inject App modules

3. Add the directive to the page (you can add multiple instances of it).

When add the directive, it has several attributes that can be set to control the behaviour of the people picker.

Most aren't mandatory, but you must add the data model (via ng-Model), and you must add the pp-ready-to-load attribute (which tells the directive the data model has updated, and is ready to be used).

Possible attributes and they're values
AttributePossible valuesDefault valueRequired?
data-ng-modelAn array, containing a list of users, in the following format:

var userArray = [{ 'Name': object.Name, 'Title': object.Title, 'Id': object.Id }]

Where, name is a claims based user principal, and Title is the display name of the prinicpal
nullYes (you must supply a model to the data-n-model attribute, but it contain a null value)
data-pp-ready-to-loadtrue | falsefalseYes (the people picker will not render until this value is set to true)
data-pp-is-multiusertrue | falsefalseNo
data-pp-widthAny numerical value, followed by 'px'220pxNo
data-pp-account-typeAny compination of the following values, seperated by a comma;

An example of adding a single user picker;

<div ui-People ng-model="" pp-ready-to-load="{{vm.loadPeoplePickers}}" pp-is-multiuser="{{false}}" pp-width="220px" pp-account-type="User" id="peoplePickerDivAT"></div>

An example of adding a multiple user picker:

<div ui-People ng-model="" pp-ready-to-load="{{vm.loadPeoplePickers}}" pp-is-multiuser="{{true}}" id="peoplePickerDivAP"></div>

4. Load the data for the model.

Before initialising the directive (via changing the value of the property used in the data-pp-ready-to-load attribute to true), ensure you up the data model used for the people picker with the current data (if any).

For example, you might perform a REST call to get the current values in a list item. You would then create the model for the user picker when data from the REST call is returned.

After updating the data in the people pickers model, you would then change the value of the property used in the data-pp-ready-to-load attribute to true.

The code below shows an example of doing this.

function init() {   
   //Pre-populate the single user field
   //Normally you would get this information from a REST call to Office 365 / SharePoint = populatePickerModel({
      Title:'Matthew Yarlett'});
   vm.loadPeoplePickers = true;
   if (!$scope.$root.$$phase) {

That's it - as far as initialising and using the control goes.

To use the value(s) of a the people picker directive while the page is open, simple reference the people picker model.


    <span data-ng-repeat="r in track by $index">
        <span data-ng-bind-html="vm.getPresence(r.Name, r.Title)"></span>&nbsp;

The example above uses a function on the controller to return the users name including the presence icon, It's just some standard html that I've exported (and slightly tweaked) from a SharePoint user field. Note that it uses a "constweb" variable to get the weburl - you would need to set this!

function getPresence(userId, userTitle) {
   if (userId && userTitle) {
      return '<span class="ms-noWrap"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceLink"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceWrapper ms-imnImg ms-spimn-imgSize-10x10"><img class="ms-spimn-img ms-spimn-presence-disconnected-10x10x32" src="'+constWeb+'/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23"  alt="" /></span></span><span class="ms-noWrap ms-imnSpan"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceLink"><img class="ms-hide" src="'+constWeb+'/_layouts/15/images/blank.gif?rev=23"  alt="" /></span><a class="ms-subtleLink" onclick="GoToLinkOrDialogNewWindow(this);return false;" href="'+constWeb+'/_layouts/15/userdisp.aspx?ID=' + userId + '">' + userTitle + '</a></span></span>';
      return '<span></span>';

Persisting the value(s) of the a people picker control is just as easy. You use the data in the people pickers model to write back to the server.

In the example below, I have a model used in a REST call for updating a list item that has a people picker field. Data from the people picker directive's model is formatted for the REST call. The ID (SPUser.Id) of each resolved principal (user or group) is added to an array of ID's, which is passed to the server via a REST call.

var sr = sr || {};
sr.models = sr.models || {};

sr.models.listItemModel = function (id) {
   this.Id = id ? id : -1; 
   this.srSingleUserField = null;
   this.srMultipleUserField = {
      results: []
   this.__metadata = {
      //The type is unique to your list. You can find out the type byte
      //looking at the list using a REST via the browser
      type: 'SP.Data.SrListItem'

function populatelistItemModel(srcModel, tagsTerms) {
   var dstModel = new sr.models.listItemModel(srcModel.Id);            
 //Single user field
  if( == 0){
   dstModel.srSingleUserField = null;
   var user =[0];
   dstModel.srSingleUserField = user.Id
   //Mutli user field
   if ( {
      if( == 0){
         dstModel.srMultipleUserField.results = [];
         for(var i = 0; i <; i++){
            var user =[i];
   dstModel.__metadata.etag = srcModel.__metadata.etag; =;
   dstModel.__metadata.uri = srcModel.__metadata.uri;
   return dstModel;

I also added some CSS to override a few of the People Pickers classes, that fixes a few style issues. It's optional, but I've added it below for completeness.

The CSS classes are prepended with div#strk (the parent DIV of my sample), to ensure these classes only affect the app.

/* People Picker Modifications */
div#strk .sp-peoplepicker-autoFillContainer{
 z-index: 20;
div#strk .sp-peoplepicker-topLevel{
div#strk .sp-peoplepicker-topLevel{

When it's all said and done, it looks like this;

Monday, 30 March 2015

Saving a Managed Metadata (Taxonomy) Field Value to Office 365 using REST

In this post I want to demonstrate how to save a Managed Metadata (Taxonomy) field value (single or multiple terms) to a Managed Metadata (Taxonomy) Field in Office 365 via the REST API.

The Hidden Managed Metadata Field

The trick to being able to save a taxonomy field value via REST, is knowing the name of the hidden text field that gets created when you create a Managed Metadata field.

When you make a REST call to update the Managed Metadata field, you need to pass a string representation of the managed metadata terms that you're saving into this hidden field.

The string representation of the terms is in the format of "termName|termId;".

In the screen shot below, you can see the field value of a hidden Managed Metadata field (the hidden field name is pa28754972f84ff7a6bf3e4762f23e23).

Finding the Name of the Hidden Field

Finding the name of the hidden text field of a Managed Metadata field is easy. The fastest way to do it, is by using the REST API via a browser.

1. Open Internet Explorer
2. In the address bar, enter the URL for your Office 365, followed by the REST API endpoint for to list the fields in your list.'srShipRegister')/fields

3. Use the browsers find function (Ctrl+F) to locate your field name in the xml

4. Look at the TextField property, and copy the copy
5. Use the browsers find function (Ctrl+F) to locate your field name in the xml, by searching for the guid
6. Make note of the hidden fields static name

Formatting a taxonomy field value

Now that you know the name of the hdden Taxonomy text field, you need to format the term values you want to save.

The terms should be formatted in the format of "termName|termId;".

An example model for updating the list in the above screens could look like this:
Loading ....
... and this is what the JSON looks like when you post it back to Office 365